God’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Some weeks back, I was helping my daughter put together a jigsaw puzzle and oh man, it took longer than I expected cos I thought how hard can it be to put these ‘simple’ puzzles together. 

Well, it definitely was not simple. Just a look at the pieces individually got me thinking where to start from {this was me feigning confidence before a 3-year-old and bracing for the challenge, especially when they think you know all things 🙂 }. So, like any other way of putting things together, we started matching what could be with what should be. We got there in the end and those single puzzles that on their own made no sense and were of no value at all, joined up with others to make sense and made a picture we could all stand back and admire.

This brings to mind the story I read about a certain family from Scotland whose dream was to move to the United States. For many years, the man and his wife worked tirelessly to save enough money to board a ship and start a new life with their nine children in the States. Eventually, they were able to have saved enough to board a new liner but seven days before the said date for them to start a new life, one of his sons got bitten by a dog. He was treated however, the doctor told them that to prevent a risk of rabies that they were to be quarantined for 14 days. 

The man and his family were so disappointed and angry about the great opportunity they have just missed. Their hopes were dashed. Their dreams were ruined. How could a God who loves them have allowed this sort of event to happen to stand in the way of the realization of their dreams? The man watched in utter disappointment as the new liner took its leave without his family. 

Five days later, he heard the devastating news that the Titanic ship they were meant to board to the United States had sunk leaving many dead. The man became thankful to God for saving the lives of his family and his. If his son hadn’t been bitten by the dog, they would have been on the ship and lost their lives. 

When God brings events into our lives, sometimes they don’t make sense or seem fair when they happen. You’ll wonder how someone referred to as a loving God could allow such thing to happen but just like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that don’t have any value or make sense on their own until they are put together so also, we may not understand the routes God is taking us through until the end.

I can’t explain the reason why some things happen but I wait to see exactly where God is going with them. If He doesn’t have a need for that occurrence then it will not have happened. Sometimes, we just have to be still and get to want to know why it happened rather than be angry at God or be depressed in life.

When He said in His words that all things {whether good, bad or anything in between} will work together for your good, He means every single word of that. It is left to you to believe it, act on it or wait to see how it will all join up to make a beautiful picture in the end.

Remember, His thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are His ways our ways!

Photo Credit: Google Images

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